You’re building that business, bringing in new clients, and finally starting to see all of your hard work pay off.

Your next move? Ramp up marketing efforts so you can reach more people, make a bigger impact, and grow a business that supports your vision board lifestyle. 

But–what was that? Did you just push “write next week’s content” off of your To Do List AGAIN?

I’m not shaming you, (lol been there). I’m just saying... there’s a better way. 

You, in your home office, with a candlestick laptop and a dream. 

Here’s a clue: it’s housed in a Google Doc and it’s already written for you. 


Clued In Content

100 plug-n-play captions with your fingerprints all over ‘em


NOPE. These captions have your prints all over 'em. Who has time to come up with social media content ideas, on top of everything else you have to get done as a business owner?
Answer: literally no one. 

These captions are bursting with personality so you can save time AND stand out.

Posts that sound like everyone else on the internet?

Not Included:

Generic "10 tips to..." or "3 reasons to buy..."-style captions

See for yourself! Check out THIS caption, taken straight from the Google Doc itself. Simply press the button to copy the caption, fill in the [brackets] with information related to your business and *post*. 

Guessing games, be gone

Wanna have your [industry] ✨main character✨ moment?

LOL first, lemme explain — I’m talking about that moment when you take a deep breath, look around, and realize “DAMN. I made it.”

Maybe it’s after [ICA Goal #1 i.e. landing a dream client once your gorgeous new website is launched] or [ICA Goal #2 i.e. taking a week-long vacation and knowing that your team + systems are running your biz for you]

But no matter when that moment comes… it’s pure magic. So let’s talk about how you can get there:

OPTION 1: Keep doing what you’re doing — because seriously girl, you’re crushing it and we’re all here in the audience cheering you on ALREADY

But if that’s maybeeee getting a lil bit overwhelming, let’s try this:
OPTION 2: *Camera pans to supporting actress (me)* Instead of continuing to spin your wheels and keep trying the same old tired strategies over and over, let’s focus on the ONE THING that’ll get you there ASAP: [Task/goal they need to complete in order to hit BIG goal]

The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone. [Offer Name] was created specifically to help YOU have that main character moment, with [quick overview of deliverables].

You can get all the deets at the link in my bio — I’ll be here ready with a standing ovation when I see your name come through 🥹


You know your marketing efforts should drive bottom-line growth... but you're not sure how your content can do that.

That's why these captions were intentionally designed to entice and engage your audience, and nurture and prime them for sales. 

With 60 Authority-Building Captions and 40 Promotional Captions, I'm handing over everything you need to create a content strategy that not only resonates, but drives results.

Captions that drive results.

Case Closed.

60 Engaging Authority-Building Captions designed to educate your audience and position you as an industry leader

40 Personality-Packed Promotional Captions backed by sales psychology to drive your audience to take action

BONUS: 28 Enticing Calls to Action that you can use over and over for incredible results

BONUS: 20 Newsletter Subject Lines to grow an engaged list of subscribers


What's Included?



Before Clued In Content

Continue staring at a blank screen every time you sit down to write next month’s posts. Tell yourself that you’re scrolling Instagram ~for inspiration~. Get frustrated when you look at the clock and realize that an hour and a half has gone by, and yet… your screen still looks like this:

Copy and paste a caption from your bank of 100 posts. Fill in the details in [brackets] with information relevant to your business and audience. Post.

And enjoy your free time :)

After Clued In Content

Service Providers 
Course Creators
Graphic Designers
Brand Designers
Life Coaches
Business Coaches
Nutritionists & Health Coaches
Mindset & Manifestation Coaches 
And More!

Who Will This Work For?


Hiiii! I'm Kelly

A seasoned marketer obsessed with helping female founders increase visibility & win sales *ding ding*

I earned my marketing stripes at an agency, at one point managing over 18 clients' social media strategies and a team. I loved it, except... it broke my heart when I went into proposal development meetings with solopreneurs. They arrived all pumped up with passion but would leave deflated like a sad day-after-party balloon once they heard those agency prices. 

I knew these "small fish" actually needed us the most because they had tiny teams juggling allll of the things (sound familiar?)… but they simply couldn't afford it.

I created Clued In Content (and alllll of our offers here at KPCo!) to make marketing more accessible for solopreneurs without forsaking the quality or FUN. Because I believe you deserve real results without getting burned by overpriced ‘experts’ (or burned tf out).

cheering you on,


ready to

Save Time and Stand Out Among the Competition?